Improve the accuracy and relevance of translated patient reported outcomes and meet the best standards, through culturally appropriate translations.
At Somya Translators Pvt. Ltd., we provide and assure that the converted Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) documents are precise, understandable, and culturally relevant. Our Cognitive Debriefing service employs a rigorous qualitative research method to evaluate the translated PRO questionnaires, making sure they meet the highest standards for use in clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies and other research environments.

Boost Accessibility and Performance with Our Expertise!

Our Six-Step Process
Step 1: Recruiting Native Participants
We begin by identifying and selecting native speakers of the target language who precisely represent the intended customer group. This guarantees that the feedback we receive is relevant and reflective of the target patient demographic.
Step 2: Understanding the Survey
Our team of professionals thoroughly familiarize themselves with the converted survey to fully understand its content, objectives, and application within the healthcare sector. This step is essential for effectively guiding the participants through the debriefing process and maintaining Patient Centric Clinical Trials.
Step 3: Conducting the Interviews
- Introduction: We explain the study’s purpose to the participants, obtain their informed consent, and ensure they clearly understand their role in the clinical trial documentation process.
- Think-Aloud Method: Participants read the translated PRO items aloud and describe their thoughts as they interpret and respond to each item. This helps identify issues with wording or understanding.
- Probing Questions: Targeted questions explore specific areas of interest, such as the clarity of instructions, the relevance of questions, and the appropriateness of response options.
Examples of probing questions include:
- “What does this question mean to you?”
- “Can you explain how you chose your answer?”
- “Was there anything confusing or unclear about this item?”
Step 4: Data Collection and Documentation
Step 5: Data Analysis
- Identify Themes: We analyse the collected data to identify common themes, patterns, and any recurrent issues with the translated PRO instrument.
- Assess Understanding: We determine whether participants consistently understand each item as intended and if any terms or concepts are causing confusion.
Step 6: Incorporating Interview Results into Report
We document the outcomes of each session, recording participants’ feedback, any comprehension issues, and suggestions for improvements, and include these findings in the cognitive debriefing report.
Ensuring Top-Quality PRO Translations
Our Cognitive Debriefing process is essential for making sure that translated PRO instruments are comprehensible to the target patient population and accurately convey the original concepts. By following these steps, the translated PRO instruments can be effectively utilized in international clinical trials and other research settings.