Afrikaans Translation Services
English to Afrikaans translation is on demand these day’s. We at SomyaTrans provides Translation Service to English to Afrikaans and Afrikaans to English with high quality at an affordable rate ontime.
Afrikaans is an Indo-European Language family West Germanic Language descended from Dutch and mainly spoken by the people of South Africa and Namibia. About 7 million Afrikaans speakers of South Africa which is 13.5% of the population in South Africa; widely spoken and understood as a second or third language. Whereas in Namibia; it is spoken as a 2nd language and used as lingua franca. While Afrikaans spoken as a native language by 11% of households in Namibia. Apart from this there are also speakers of Afrikaans in many countries like, Zambia and Zimbabwe, Canada, Germany, Lesotho, Malawi, Australia, Belgium and more.
In 1925, this language became one of the official languages of South Africa. The development of Afrikaans might be followed to entry of pioneers to the Cape. This is however not the sole figure that prompted the development of Afrikaans, as it was utilized by the servants, slaves and indigenous merchants to communicate with the Dutch.
Number of Alphabet
It is written with a standard Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters.
A a |
B b |
C c |
D d |
E e |
F f |
G g |
H h |
I i |
aa |
bee |
see |
dee |
ee |
ef |
gee |
haa |
ie |
ask |
bird |
cat, ice |
day |
eat |
fly |
gold |
help |
India |
J j |
K k |
L l |
M m |
N n |
O o |
P p |
Q q |
R r |
jee |
kaa |
el |
em |
en |
oo |
pee |
kuu |
er |
yes |
kiss |
life |
man |
nice |
old |
play |
quit |
rice |
Here are the numbers 1-10 in Afrikaans.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
een |
twee |
drie |
vier |
vyf |
ses |
sewe |
agt |
nege |
tien |
Afrikaans to English Translation Services
SomyaTrans Provides high quality Afrikaans translation services, in various domain sectors scientific, medical and technical translation, localization and interpreting into and out of Afrikaans. We are a India-based localization services provider company serving over 1,500 global companies and organization.
Our approach to quality management is established on the standard that, certified translation afrikaans to English of any domain should be translated by professional translators with the same domain expert. We use a combination of advanced people, certified processes and applied technologies to deliver you a better translated document. We deliver reliable, high quality professional translations with confirmed deadline at reasonable prices.